Meidän tarinamme

Olemme yritys, joka halusi kehittää paremman oppimisalustan organisaatioille, koska uskoi sen olevan mahdollista. Nyt meillä on jo satoja asiakkaita ja yli satatuhatta käyttäjää, jotka uskovat samaan. Alta löydät lisää tietoa, mistä kaikki lähti ja mitä tulemme tekemään tulevaisuudessa.


Pitkään digitaalinen oppiminen oli heikosti toteutettu eri organisaatioissa. Clanedin perustajat huomasivat tämän työskennellessään yhdessä Nokiassa 1990-luvun lopulla. Vuosien kuluessa he eivät havainneet juurikaan merkittäviä muutoksia tai kehitystä markkinassa.

Eri organisaatiot yrittivät pakottaa perinteisiä luokkahuoneen lähestymistapoja digitaalisiin kanaviin. Tämä lähestymistapa ei ollut  hyödyllinen organisaatioiden liiketoiminnan tulosten kannalta. Jonkin oli muututtava.

Oppijat ja organisaatiot ansaitsivat parempaa. Claned ryhtyi yhdistämään verkko-opetuksen pedagogiikkaa ja oppimisanalytiikkaa tarjotakseen verkko-opiskelua, joka olisi sekä osallistavaa että tehokasta.


Ennen pandemian ensimmäistä vaikutusta alkuvuodesta 2020, digitaalisen oppimisalustan markkina oli kehittymätön. Päättäjillä oli vaikeuksia hahmottaa, miten hyvin online-opiskelu voitaisiin toteuttaa, ja tuloksena he tyytyivät perinteisempiin, mutta vähemmän kehittyneisiin ratkaisuihin.

Kun etätyöstä tuli uusi normaali, organisaatiot ymmärsivät nopeasti, että niiden on innovoitava ja löydettävä uusia tapoja kouluttaa sekä sisäisiä että ulkoisia kohdeyleisöjä verkossa. Myös oppimisen tulosten ja analytiikan kysyntä alkoi kasvamaan, kun yritykset halusivat linkittää oppimistulokset liiketoiminnan mittareihin.


Tulevaisuudessa yritysten täytyy ottaa vakavammin organisaation kompetenssien kehittäminen. Uskomme, että kaikki oppi tulevaisuudessa ei tule ylhäältä-alaspäin, vaan on enemmän tiimien jakamaa osaamista toisilleen. Samalla tekoäly tulee keskeiseksi osaksi kurssien rakentamisessa ja tiedon oppimisessa. Siksi, Claned katsoo aina seuraavaa aaltoa, joka voi tehdä oppimisesta laadukkaampaa  ja tehokkaampaa. Oppimista, joka toimii.

Tässä on Clanedin tiimi

Teemu Vaalasmaa


Teemu has a background in education field and online learning space but has slipped to mostly work with technology. Teemu is part human, part Claned which is great for a Chief Product Officer. In addition to trying encrypt the secrets of learning Teemu enjoys photography and nature.

Vesa Perälä


Vesa is new business developer by heart and loves closing deals and creating partnership opportunities. He has co-founded Claned. Vesa moved to countryside 4 years ago where he relaxes by moving the lawn or chopping wood. Basketball, golf, reading and good red wine are also amongst top 10 things in life.

Dr. Ilkka Autio

Chief Technology Officer

Dr Ilkka Autio has a background in computer science, and did his dissertation on machine learning before escaping academia for good. As Claned’s CTO, Ilkka is responsible for the technology, people, and practices related to the development of the Claned platform. His interests include applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems, especially in education. Off work, Ilkka enjoys regular jogging, meditation, and literature to decompress.

Petri Virtanen

Chief Business Development Officer

Petri is a teacher by background and heart! He has over 33 years experience in digital learning as teacher and education developer, with companies in skills and competence development and now happily in Claned as Chief Business Development Officer! His passion is problem-solving sales and new business development with Claned services! In his free time he pushes his physical limits by biking, free skiing, gym and ice hockey ring and enjoying the Finnish nature all year around.

Santeri Jaakkola

Head of Marketing

Santeri is a marketing enthusiast who has sold, done and developed marketing services in his previous life. He has a master’s degree in business development which he has also a strong passion for. He is leading the marketing team which wants to communicate the Claned gospel to all people. Customer journeys are always on his mind as to how to provide better experiences to customers. You can find him in sweaty sports halls if there is some ball game involved or maybe reading some non-fiction book. He always wants to learn new things if it not related to drawing.

Muritala Yusuf Oluwaseyi

Digital Marketing Specialist

Yusuf as an educational background in business administration major in entrepreneurship . With over 5years of practical experience in cinematography, drumming, and digital marketing (SEO,SEM, and SMM). Making sure all sales and marketing tasks are executed in Claned.

Victor Carson

Systems Analyst

Victor is a technical analyst with a background in social sciences, who is interested in systems of all scales — from low-level product architecture to abstract socio-technological infrastructure. As a Systems Analyst at Claned, they develop both internal processes and external integrations to ensure that the data keeps flowing and the customer experience stays consistently enjoyable. You can find Victor zooming around at your local skatepark, reading up on new technologies, or exploring nature.

Chris Hutchinson

Head of Learning Design

Chris is a learning and education expert with a background in design and teaching. He arrived in Finland in 2018 to complete a Masters at the University of Oulu and has been living in Helsinki since mid 2020. As the Head of Learning Design at Claned he works both directly with clients, guiding them through effective learning design and course creation processes and with the product teams to develop pedagogical aspects of Claned. Outside of the office, Chris can often be found in the woods scrambling up cliffs and boulders with his partner and dog or relaxing with friends.

Aino Seitamaa

Head of Customer Experience

Aino is an educational scientist with a strong research background on learning technologies and motivational psychology. At Claned, she helps clients with their course creation through learning design workshops and and manages the Claned customer experience. You might bump into her when you message our support portal! Aino enjoys a balanced life with yoga and hiking mixed with hosting dinner parties and having a cold afterwork beer with fellow Clanedeers.