How To Train Your It Employees Through Online Resources

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    If you are running a technology company, training your IT employees is a crucial aspect you have to keep in mind to maintain the productivity of your work. No matter how good employees you hire for work, there is always something to learn and work on.

    This learning and improvement are not an easy thing to do. Especially not in a company/corporation. Although technology has made it a little easier. That’s what we are going to discuss in this article.

    Here, we will learn how you can train employees who come under the umbrella of IT (Information Technology) by using different online resources.

    So, let’s begin.

    Training Telemarketing Employees Through Online Resources:

    Telemarketing is a direct form of marketing a product or service to your customers by making direct contact with them. This contact can either be through a phone call, a face-to-face meeting, or a scheduled online meeting.

    The main objectives and duties of telemarketing employees are:

    • Delivering the information effectively (strong communication skills)
    • Building good relationships with the customers
    • Management skills (since they have to handle different customers)
    • Having product/service knowledge (as they are responsible for persuading the audience to buy these things)

    Keeping these qualities and responsibilities of telemarketing employees, you can train them in the following way:

    1. Training Communication Skills:

    We all know that communication is one of the basic skills that every field demands from a professional person or worker.

    In the context of telemarketing, tools like can be used to train the communicational skills of telemarketing employees in a company.

    These tools use Artificial Intelligence to analyze the calls that are being made to sell products to customers so that the employees can learn from valuable extracted data. Obviously, this will then contribute to enhancing the communication skills of the employees.

    2. Customer Relationship Management:

    CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools like HubSpot CRM can be used to generate scenarios where the performance of employees can be analyzed. This can also be helpful to learn the effective methods they can employ to deal with customers.

    3. Script Generation:

    Telemarketing employees have to follow a basic script that delivers basic information about the product. To generate a moderate script, tools like ChatGPT can be helpful to train in this sense. These tools operate on Generative AI technology that has the ability to efficiently interpret human input and then generate a textual response accordingly. Due to this reason, these are widely known or called “Language models.”

    So, your employees can quickly generate scripts with the help of these tools, saving both valuable time and effort, and allowing them to focus on other essential learning tasks.

    Training Web Developing Employees Through Online Resources:

    Web developing employees are responsible for creating and running a website by using different computer languages.

    The basic responsibilities of these employees are:

    • Creating websites with the help of coding
    • Designing the user interface
    • Troubleshooting any occurring problem

    According to these basic responsibilities, let’s learn how you can train these employees with the help of technology.

    1. Coding:

    Several platforms can be used to train web-developing employees including Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and MDN Web Docs. All these coding tools or platforms provide useful content regarding coding from beginner level to expert level. So, your employees can make use of them and increase their knowledge without getting help from a coding expert.

    2. Designing:

    To train your employees to learn the required things about designing, you can use platforms like UX Design Institute and Nielsen Norman Group. These platforms provide a wide range of design tutorials that you can use to train your web-developing employees.

    3. Troubleshooting:

    Handling any occurring problem is a big responsibility. You have to train your employees how to handle this. There are many communities available online that can be helpful in this sense. These include Stack Overflow, CodePen, and

    Moreover, you can also use Claned to build fully customized courses that will assist your colleagues in learning.

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    Training Bloggers Through Online Resources:

    Bloggers are responsible for creating, optimizing, and uploading content on your website to both attract and retain the targeted audience. Customers use this information to know more about your products or services. This will result in increased brand awareness, trust, loyalty, and improved sales.

    However, it is important to note that the content will only provide you with the benefits mentioned above when it is of the highest quality. Some of the most common qualities of a blogger’s content are:

    • High readability
    • Less grammatical and spelling errors
    • No risk of plagiarism

    Let’s discuss the tool that you can use to train your bloggers to create content that contains the above-explained elements.

    1. High Readability:

    The readability of content explains how easy it is for your audience to read your content. The easier the content, the more user engagement it will experience. This is because the audience will spend more time reading your content.     

    Hemingway Editor is a good tool to train your bloggers and allow them to check the readability of your content in real time. This tool identifies the weak and difficult sentences and provides suggestions to make them easier.

    Moreover, you can use different free online paraphrasing tools as well. These tools paraphrase your content to lessen the difficult words used in it.

    They do so by replacing these words with synonyms along with altering the structure of sentences used. And the good thing about enhancing readability, the paraphrase tools ensure the original meaning of the content remains unchanged.

    So, as a learner, your employees (bloggers) can closely review what kind of changes the tools have made to enhance given content readability, and then start practicing the same approach.

    2. Less Grammatical and Spelling Errors:

    As a blogger, your content should have minimum possible grammatical and spelling errors. Grammatical mistakes can not only confuse the audience, but can also trigger the search engine bot, resulting in poor rankings.

    So, you have to encourage different exercises that will help your bloggers get over these errors. But we’re talking about technology here.

    There are many grammar-checking tools like Grammarly, the most famous of all, that can be used to detect and eradicate any grammatical as well as spelling errors in your bloggers’ content. Apart from this, utilizing these tools will also enhance the grammar knowledge of employees.

    3. No Plagiarism:

    Plagiarism in content is a progress killer, and the problem is that it can occur both intentionally and unintentionally. Remember, for IT companies, plagiarism in the content can result in severe consequences such as lower search rankings, damaged reputation, lawsuits, and many more.

    So, to avoid these issues, you have to train your bloggers not to commit this ethical as well as legal crime. Writing original content is the only key to that. Although to check for plagiarism in your content, you can take the help of any tool online.

    The plagiarism-checking tools work by comparing your given content with millions of internet resources to find any instances of plagiarism. In case, any are found, they will highlight them along with the matched source.

    So that, employees can take necessary steps such as paraphrasing, citing, etc. to remove the plagiarized pieces.

    Training SEO Employees Through Online Resources:

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) employees play a great role in the success of a company as they keep your website ranked higher in search engine results. Higher ranking means good user engagement, which will further lead to an increased no. of clients or sales.

    That is the reason why it is inevitable to train your SEO employees to get the most out of them.

    Let’s see how you can do it.

    1. Keyword Research and Analysis:

    Keyword research and analysis are the base of SEO. Keywords are words that normal individuals search on Google in order to find any information. So, the incorporation of relevant keywords in both the website as well its content can greatly enhance its visibility in the SERP.

    There are various tools and platforms like Ahrefs that can be used to train employees and make them learn how they can perform keyword research more efficiently.

    2. Optimization and Site Analysis:

    Optimizing your web pages and analyzing site performance are also key elements of SEO. These elements optimize your website for a higher ranking along with keeping an eye on the real-time performance of the website. Tools like Moz can be employed to train your SEO specialists to perform these tasks.

    3. Tracking the Performance of Websites:

    To train the employees about how they can be efficient in tracking the performance of a website, tools like Google Search Console can be used. This tool provides valuable insights that can help monitor a site’s performance.


    No matter how good IT employees you hire for your company, there will always be room for learning and improvements. Training these employees can be a complicated task.

    Although, with the use of technology, you can do it smoothly. There are various online services available online that can help you train the employees that come under the IT umbrella. We have provided a comprehensive method on how you can do it in the information given above.

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